Fun with Dick and Jane had fun at my expense – and…

5 11 2006
Fun with Dick and Jane had fun at my expense – and I was not pleased

In Fun with Dick and Jane, Jim Carrey channels his trademark energy and goofiness to heights not seen since Liar Liar – but with much less success. Dick (Jim Carrey) is a hardworking middle manager at a growing tech firm. When the firm begins to buckle under shaky business practices, Dick is set up as the scapegoat. After the fallout Dick is left with a mortage, car payments, kids, a stay-at-home-wife (Tea Leoni), and absolutely no job or income to support them. Naturally he turns to crime.

Fun with Dick and Jane is built upon one central joke: Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni playing at criminal tomfoolery and it doesn’t take long for the joke to wear thin. In fact, after about twenty minutes absolutely nothing new happens. The screen just freezes and the plot completely loses momentum soon afterwards. I really wanted to like Fun with Dick and Jane, but the lack of freshness and it’s incredibly short length (under 20min.) left me feeling like the butt of a sad, sad joke.

Editor’s Note: Matt’s Netflix DVD was actually scratched and stopped at the 20min. mark. Despite 2 hours of patient waiting, no fun was had.

After further review, Fun with Dick and Jane receives a score of Incomplete.
Get the full version if you can.



4 responses

5 11 2006

Netflix dvds have been really jacked up lately.

6 11 2006
Orhan Kahn

I really enjoyed Fun With Dick & Jane, it had a few good points to walk away from. And watching them slowly lose everything and badly attempt to pursue the life of crime is quite amusing.

6 11 2006

Hee. I’ve seen it and I thought you were serious.

Now that I have so much time on my hands, maybe I’ll start watching a lot more movies…

7 11 2006

Jessie: This is my first bad dvd and hopefully my last.

Orhan: Mmm, I might have to reorder this puppy and watch it for real.

Sadie: Hehe, got you! And if you want any recommendations just let me know.

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